Recycling and Sustainability Hero Area

Recycling & sustainability

New recycling technologies are changing our industry and supporting the role of plastics in the circular economy. Be market-ready with our supply chain reports, data and events.

  • Chemical recycling

    Developments in mechanical and chemical recycling technology are changing the shape of the plastics industry. It’s becoming increasingly possible to recover more plastics in a closed-loop, helping to retain maximum value.

    If you’re looking to take advantage of this developing industry, we’re here to show you how. Our market intelligence can highlight opportunities, while our events can put you in touch with partners across the world.

Specialist topics

  • Chemical recycling

    Chemical recycling

    As sustainability continues to dominate conversations, chemical or advanced recycling is key. New industry players are already operating commercial facilities and forming relationships with polymer producers and consumer brands. Together, we can help you seize opportunities in the sector.

  • Mechanical recyling

    Mechanical recycling

    Waste is on the agenda of national governments around the globe. While new policies and legislation are establishing new targets for recycling of plastics. Stay informed on mechanical recycling across the world, with our range of in-depth reports and events.

  • Flexible films recycling

    Flexible films recycling

    Managing multilayer flexible waste is a core component of Europe’s roadmap towards a more circular economy, with ambitious targets set. To reach these goals, sorting, separation and recycling technology needs to be modernised and extended. We’re here to help you find solutions.

Upcoming events

Related market intelligence

News and insights

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Our teams have a deep understanding of plastics processing across almost every industry. Find out how we can support your business on a global scale.

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  • Identify new marketing opportunities
  • Tap into emerging technologies
  • Promote your products and services
  • Improve your strategic decision making

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